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  Title Copies
Seven in the eye of history 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 9712710300 
ISBN 13: 9789712710308 
Six modern Filipino heroes 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1993 
ISBN: 9712703258 
ISBN 13: 9789712703256 
Call No: SS GN 1993 M.01 
The Flag And Heraldic Code Of The Philippines: Illustrated (Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 8491) 
Edition: 4th 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 9715381790 
ISBN 13: 9789715381796 
Literature of Voice 
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 9719229675 
ISBN 13: 9789719229674 
Jess Robredo:Proud Nagueño Memories 
Year: 2013 
ISBN 13: 9789712727887 
The Great Crash, 1929 
Edition: 50th anniversary ed 
Year: 1988 
ISBN: 039513935X 
ISBN 13: 9780395139356 
ISBN: 971300647X 
ISBN 13: 9789713006479 
The Currency Crisis in Southeast Asia (Updated Edition) 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 9812300147 
ISBN 13: 9789812300140 
Responsibility and Cultures of the World: Dialogue around a collective challenge (Philosophie et Politique / Philosophy et Politics) 
Edition: New edition 
Year: 2010 
ISBN: 9052016704 
ISBN 13: 9789052016702 
Passion,Power,Pleasure:Straightforward Answers to Provocative Questions 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 1991 
ISBN: 9712700860 
ISBN 13: 9789712700866