Reader's Digest 1992

Publication Year
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Reader's Digest is an American general-interest family magazine, published ten times a year. Formerly based in Chappaqua, New York, it is now headquartered in Midtown Manhattan. The magazine was founded in 1920, by DeWitt Wallace and Lila Bell Wallace.

READER'S DIGEST, founded in 1922 by husband and wife Dewitt Wallace and Lila Bell Acheson with the mission of providing selections of published articles and books to help readers cope with the flood of news and information. The Digest drastically "condensed" articles, often cutting by 75 percent before reprinting them.

The Digest conceived of reading material as information, not literature. One popular though widely criticized innovation was its publication of condensed fiction. Novels lost their subplots in the abridgement process. Publishers initially feared losing book buyers to Digest publication, but found that appearance in the Reader's Digest actually boosted sales.

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Wallace refused advertising until 1955. Soliciting ads would entail revealing circulation figures, and revealing them could raise the prices the Digest paid for reprinting.

Production costs were likewise kept low, and the magazine seemed a bargain, containing large quantities of articles shortened from the periodical press, printed in a handy size. Eventually, the Digest developed its own original articles, maintaining the illusion that these were reprints by first subsidizing their publication elsewhere. This strategy allowed it to promote its conservative views in other magazines. Its conservative crusades included an attack on Alfred Kinsey's 1948 Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, and it firmly supported U.S. government policy during the Vietnam War.

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Although the Digest's circulation dropped far below its high of 18 million, in 2000 it still had over 12.5 million subscribers, the third largest circulation of an American magazine. Editions in nineteen languages generated an enormous international circulation as well.

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