Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth

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Today we are at the threshold of the third millennium.And the people of God face a momentous challenge.It has been 2,000 years of Christianity, but the commission of the Lord Jesus Christ to bring the gospel to the whole world has not been accomplished. In fact, the Church itself is being buffeted by dark winds and sinister forces, both from without and within. Spiritual warfare continues to rage in the heavens and on the earth. At stake are billions of souls on the face of the earth.In June of 1981, God raised up a new army to participate in the war. God raised up a movement to work for global evangelization and renewal. That movement is Couples for Christ. Now, 17 years later, Couples for Christ has made and continues to make a tremendous impact throughout the world.But all is not well.Now, towards the end of the second millennium and at the threshold of the third, Couples for Christ has come to a crossroad. Its future usefulness to God and His work is threatened. The dangers are very real, but the opportunities also continue to be tremendous and exciting.-Will the members of Couples for Christ give in to the ravaging attacks of the flesh, the world and the devil, or will they continue to move on in the power of the Holy Spirit?-Has the zeal of Couples for Christ grown cold, or will it continue to blaze with the fire of God’s love?-Will the work of Couples for Christ end the millennium with a whimper or with a bang?-Will God discard Couples for Christ, or continue to use it mightily in accordance with His will?Now, more than ever, there is a great need for Christ’s witnesses to be sent to the ends of the earth. Will Couples for Christ be counted among them? Will Couples for Christ be part of the victorious army of Jesus Christ, as history races into the third millennium and closer to the end of time?This book presents a clear vision of the call of God to Couples for Christ, and issues a challenge to understand the call, accept it, and live it out. It is for all who are truly serious about their involvement on the life and mission of Couples for Christ. - from Amzon 
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